Travel and feeling productive
Feeling Productive or productivity is one thing when you're in a steady work routine and not travelling. However, add travel to the mix and life gets interesting! ... It's a strange and self-defeating feeling, when you've been busy all day, travelling or not, and yet feel you've achieved almost nothing... or at least that's what your mind is telling you. The to do list never seems to get shorter before the next 10+ things are added.
However, it's all down to the meaning we mentally assign to what we're doing about how much we're achieving, because it's all relative and about the 'perceived value' of the task, our time and efforts.
I mentioned to a client today that no matter our level of skill it's the things we haven't yet mastered yet somehow manage to get done that feel like the biggest achievements. While those things we have mastered and are relatively easy 'for us' aren't valued as highly.
There's a continuum of competency that could help explain this better. Starting with 'unconscious incompetence' and ending with 'unconscious competence' or mastery ... the learning phase happens in between these - whether you subscribe to the 10K hours theory or not.
It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that if those skills and talents that we take for granted are just as easy for other as they are for us. However, this is cognitive bias at play. We're all 'wired' differently so learning to really see the value in those skills and abilities that seem to come naturally is the key to truly valuing our natural gifts.
Productivity while working from home or working solo
Productivity is mostly about mindset and what we value, and how we're conditioned by others to assign value in relation to how we spend our time and energy... Meaning:
- If it makes money it's of external and tangible value to others who highly value money.
- If it saves time, it's valued by those who value their own time & energy, etc.
- If it saves energy and effort, it's highly valued by those who value and protect their energy.
You can 'produce' a ton of things, yet that don't really align with your goals, and you can still call it 'productive'.
Being busy is another trap many people fall into. If you feel you're always chasing your tail or running from one thing to the next, yet not feeling a sense of achievement, there is a solution! When this type of busyness is your reality, your actual productivity and feelings of control over your circumstances are typically lacking. That sense of control is an illusion by the way, as it's an internal measurement or judgement. If you're wanting a greater sense of control over your life there is hope, even if you've a million and one things going on. By switching your perspective you can start to take your power back.
Organisation and Productivity
Productivity is inevitably boosted through organising your resources, and each resource you organise and optimise the level of productivity that actually makes a difference to your life and business.
The elements to focus on and organise better:
- Time
- Energy
- Relationships
- Workload
- Workspace
- Life-space
- Cash and Assets
To be honest, when you start to delve into these they can lead to going down rabbit holes of learning about yourself that you potentially didn't know existed, or you've ignored because you didn't have the time or energy ... ironic isn't it.
This is why I combine therapy, marketing and business growth in my programs. No matter whether you have a specific problem you're wanting to solve or you're wanting to completely change what you're doing, and escape the corporate rat race to start your own business.
I coach entrepreneurs and business owners and many times we discover elements that can be rapidly transformed that weren't initially conscious, yet in some way is at the root of why they're unhappy in their business or life. If you have an area you're frustrated about and are ready to change I'd love to hear from you.
If you're feeling trapped in the corporate world or have a business that essentially consumes all your time and energy, there's something within you that is keeping you in a situation you wake up dreading. I'm here to tell you that you're only 1 decision away from what you want, and you have the power to change everything in an instant.
I know this because I've done it numerous times, and one of these was due to a health crisis -> I don't recommend waiting until you need to also heal your body! If you're feeling on the verge of burnout, or you know your health is deteriorating, the risk is to lose everything if you don't do something different.
Be proactive, because that's what makes you a leader and empowered in your own life