Thoughts on why launching your own business could be the best decision you make in 2024
launching your own business could be a game changer ... in 2023 we're facing so many changes in a broad sense. And for those of us who are entrepreneurially inclined, planning for the future can be difficult.
If you ask the hospitality and travel industries how business is going ... you'll find people just aren't planning ahead very far at all since the world shut down almost overnight back in 2020.
I wrote the post below in late March of 2020. Not knowing what would happen and the world was in a state of uncertainty, and fear.
The thing is ... I consciously decided that the uncertainty could be exciting ... I had almost completed my training as a hypnotherapist while working in a Mental Health clinic in Brisbane CBD at the time. A wave of fear was spreading like wildfire was real... and not just for clients but practitioners too.
The resulting couple of years has lead to many changes for me personally. So I chose to embrace it and get creative ... I bought a bus to call my home & office, and the interesting and exciting part is that I'm attempting to convert it myself ... wish me luck!
Here are some thoughts from the start of the pandemic ...

Just the latest reason why launching your own business could be the best decision you make this year!
We need alternatives to living in debt and working in jobs that make us miserable and promote constant stress as a way of life … life is too short and time is too precious! Anyone who has lost someone close to them suddenly will tell you that their perspective on life changes.
Millennials and younger generations are disillusioned by a system that doesn’t work for them & even punishes them for living the way previous generations teach, promote and try to maintain for themselves.
Innovation seems to be promoted in theory, yet discouraged in practice by a system that's all about maintaining power & control structures. Why would the next generations ‘fall in line’ and buy into this? ... or choose to be part of systems that provide no benefit to them, both short term and long term; educational, economic, institutional, employment?
Housing seems to be just a game of monopoly for the previous generations, and the debt cycle is what keeps people bound to the system and needing to continue to play the corporate game. There are many who have become wise to this and are deciding not to buy into that way of life.
So what are the alternatives ??
Believe it or not there are quite a few so I've discovered...
However, social and cultural conditioning, parental expectations, maintaining an invented societal status & egoistic pursuits may be barriers to entry … but it’s purely individual choice and there’s honestly no right or wrong way to design your life…
However, ask yourself if you’re designing life consciously or subconsciously repeating learned patterns from childhood or early adulthood? Are you looking to everyone else for guidance rather than ‘deciding’ for yourself what’s right for you?
Living in survival mode has become the norm, and it’s aging us and making us increasingly unwell quicker than ever. Creating an unhealthy work focused lifestyle and encouraging us to suppress and repress our emotions to maintain the appearance of having it all together.
When we live in an increasingly individualistic society where loneliness is at epidemic levels, because many don’t feel they can authentically be themselves and be accepted. A subconscious fear of rejection, a survival imperative, is driving behaviour. Although, who's creating the narrative and fear-porn and propaganda. Who controls the media that so many listen to?
I have my own theories around why so many people have become Narcissistic, sociopathic and self-loathing to the point that they harm others, in the same way they were wounded. This type of behaviour has been rewarded in a variety of ways.
In saying that, I do respect and acknowledge the Stoic traditions and the Buddhist philosophy of detachment, which can be helpful in many ways. Idealistic?, perhaps, yet I'm all too aware it's a fine line.
Those who say you “can’t” do something usually have their own agendas in keeping us “in our lane”, or projecting their own fears on us … meaning they want us to be safe … but the only way they know how, is to teach others with what they’ve learned to fear. Even when circumstances and times have changed, traumatic memories, emotions, and the meanings they attached to these situations work to keep people stuck.
The mind body connection is key to understanding how to adapt to change, as it’s those who are most adaptable and resilient that will thrive!
These are the questions I am asking myself, so if you’re interested in what I have learned so far and discovering as I go, tune in, follow, subscribe ... you know the drill 😉 Although if you're interested in info that may be censored by the social platforms, personal websites like this one are the only way to keep yourself informed and connected to like-minded people and communities.
If you’ve read this rant this far, firstly thank you & secondly, you’re likely open minded enough to consider all avenues to success and/or interested enough in learning more about one or more topics mentioned.
As eluded to, this is about creating an alternative lifestyle (for me), meaning I am creating a wider range of choices for myself. We can choose to live and work according to our unique talents and find the majick in life again.
I’m aiming at creating new posts at least once a week on either Sundays or Mondays … I’ll also be adding links and product recommendations that may be useful/helpful for healthy alternative and sustainable living and working.
Have a great week!